He Wants To Use You Too.

This morning as I was finishing up my devotional, I began to read the book of Ruth. If you have never read it, you need to. It’s an incredible story about hope, faith and a legacy that led to a Redeemer. I wrote on my Facebook status that Ruth reminds me that God wants to use us too…let Him! Can you imagine what this world would be like if every Christian let God use them. No questions of how or why, just obedience.
Something resonated with me this morning that although Ruth didn’t know her future and what it would bring to the world, she never tried to short-cut to the answer. She walked in obedience to Naomi, her mother-in-law, and to Boaz.
I had to ask myself that question, do I short-cut what God is trying to do in me?
I find myself with an attitude of clarity and vision this morning; knowing that God is in control of it all. He knows my future. He knows my legacy. He knows my tomorrows.
I can rest in that.
Ruth is such a perfect example of this. She didn’t know her tomorrows. She didn’t know that her future would entail lineage to Jesus. She was completely unaware of her purpose in life. But she had a God that showed love, redemption and hope. He has this for you too.
Do you ever find yourself wanting to help God out a little or “short-cut” to the answer?