What Caught My Eye This Week - July #4

Blog Posts
You know how you read a post and it feels like she’s seeing right through your window? Kimberly Suchta does that here with information to things we may not know about our teenagers.
Some of you that know us know we don’t allow our kids on Social Media until they are 14 (and even that comes with maturity). Here is some great advice to Parenting in the digital world.
Our news has been inundated with the turmoil in the Middle East. Jeremy Courtney, along with Sarah Mae, are doing incredible things over there and is bringing to light the ISIS situation and what we can do about it.
Video and Podcast
IF:Equip does it again with Jenni Catron and Melinda Doolittle discussing the calmness we have in the wisdom God has given us. Thankful for Jenni’s friendship even if she is in California now.
Dr. Meg Meeker is such a great inspiration for parents and always love to sit and brainstorm with this women. In this podcast to talks with Katie Davis, the then 18 year old, who went to Rwanda and adopted 13 girls!! You’ve got to listen to her story. I promise you will leave awed by it all.
Social Media
There were some great feeds going on at #SheSpeaks14. Here are some that caught my eye:
When I try to impress others I depress myself.” ~ @LysaTerKeurst If you try to be someone else instead of being uniquely you, you are missing out and the world is missing out. -@MicheleCushatt "We are the most powerful when we are dependent on God." - @LynCowell One of God’s words has more power than a million of mine.” ~ @GlynnisWhitwer
Blackberries are in season here in Nashville. This weekend I am going to make these. I make a pie that is similar but really want to try these bars. Instagram the final results at #Table8:10