We Need More Stars In The Sky

God needs more stars. He’s asking for more. More men and more women stepping out and taking chances.
I love the story of Abraham. Here is a man that took a chance on God and stepped out in faith. All he knew was to follow Him.
That’s it.
No map.
No directions.
Just a simple - I want you to come on this journey with me and can you trust me where I am taking you?
Suddenly we find Abraham old and in a world where legacy is lived on through your kids – barren.
And so God makes a promise to him and He makes it visually –
He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars–if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” Genesis 15:5
Can you imagine?
Can you imagine Jesus with His arm around you and with His other hand waving up saying -
“See that star shining bright, that is you and it will shine brighter as we walk this journey together. You may not understand where I am taking you, but I want you to trust me. I want you to know that your best is yet to come and My love for you is everlasting. That you will not fail, you will not be afraid, because I will be with you.”
I remember times in the Colorado Mountains where it seemed as though you could touch the sky from being over a mile high. At night, there would be thousands and thousands of stars in the darkest of skies. Beautiful and bright streams of light. Thinking about those moments make me think how Abraham must have felt looking at that same sky and not just seeing a few stars but a galaxy stretched out before him.
Yet, he had a promise from barrenness –
I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. – Genesis 22:7
I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, – Genesis 26:4
God’s promise to Abraham is alive today. I am always honored to find those that are taking chances and stepping out; trusting God with their journeys.
These are a few of His stars:
Vanessa Maddoux Ministries
I am awed by my longtime friend Vanessa Maddoux. I’ve known her since 1991 as college roommates at Oral Roberts University. Her major was in music and mine in business. After college she worked her vocals with the talents of 4Him, Greg Long, and others. To see where she is now is amazing not just to me, but to her too. Going out to foreign countries where Christians are persecuted and killed for their faith as she delivers Bibles or that she is using her singing talent teaching children how to praise and worship in Southeast Asia.
Never would I have thought. But she is. She’s doing it.
Trusting God every step of the way.
Trusting Him with the vision.
Trusting Him with the resources.
Trusting Him in everything.
Ask her today if she knows where God is taking her or where she will be next year or in five years and she’ll say, “I don’t know but I can’t wait to see what God does”.
Reaching 360
Jeff Gregory was a successful mechanical engineer but little did he know that God would take that knowledge and use it for His Kingdom. He and his wife Lisa began Reaching 360. When you talk with them you know they are passionate about the vision God gave them. Jeff takes that Engineering knowledge and applies it to areas like Haiti and India where they are helping to build orphanages and water wells. Their goal is to do exactly what the Bible says and to go to all the parts of the world where no other footsteps have followed but the ones that come from God.
Elmer Cañas Jr.
Then there is Elmer Cañas Jr. He came to our church a few months ago as our new Worship Pastor and what a gift he has been. Although Jose and I haven’t sat with him and his family, it’s when you see someone and you know God has big plans for him. I think it’s fair to say Elmer’s story is one that follows the chorus - where you go I go, where you stay I stay, where you move I move, I will follow You. He moved from LA to Dallas to Nashville (Jose and mine is similar from LA-Denver-Nashville) I think it is safe to say that he may not know what the future holds but He trusts God along the journey.
Rachel Alsup
Lastly, there is my partner in prayer, Rachel, who God brought an idea to her about going and loving on women, but not just any women, women that are dancers at strip clubs here in Nashville. She brings them dinner before they go on stage. She provides maybe a small little gift from Bath and Body Works and other places. I mean what girl can say no to Bath and Body Works?? Rachel just wants to be a light, a star shining brightly for Him. Her goal is not to “save” everyone so that she can get brownie points because she added lives to the kingdom, but to just show them unconditional love. She will tell you she doesn’t know what the future holds or if or when this will ever turn to a full-blown ministry, but she just wants it to be honest and done with a pure heart before God.
These are small glimpses of men and women doing big things.
No, there is no limelight, no book contract or signing bonuses.
They are people shining their stars brightly for Him.
That new business you’ve wanted to start or that non-profit you have all planned out on paper - only to find it’s still on paper.
Maybe you want to take classes, make a major career change or maybe all your kids are grown and you find yourself with a burning passion to do something incredible.
Then do it!
Maybe you are at home with four babies under 2 ½ (I’ve been there!) and wondering how am I going to make a difference or maybe just flat out wondering what God has created you to do for Him?
Then look at the stars tonight.
Look…and allow God to wrap His arms around you letting you know your best is yet to come.
Abraham looked into the sky, saw stars and believed God’s promise.
I pray for your faith to do the same.
Elmer writes incredible music. He wrote this song -The Lion and The Lamb. There is a lyric in there that says, “Father of lights, through us be glorified”. When I heard this song after I wrote this post, I knew I needed to add Elmer to this list.
Nashville, Christian Music, Christian Radio this guy is a shooting star!
Take a listen as we each shine our lights so that He can be glorified!