What Caught My Eye This Week - August #2

Blog Posts
Although our kids aren’t allowed to date until 16 (yes, I know we're not normal), Mary DeMuth does a great job by teaching us how to coach our teenagers through the dating years preparing them, and us, to one day let go.
The church has come a long way, but we still have a long way to go. Missio Alliance talks about some things my husband and I face in the Body of Christ at times.
This blog post tripled my readership this week! I guess you guys want to talk more about marriage - funny how God calls the unqualified to talk about this stuff.
Video and Podcast
Why does God allow Pain and Suffering? This question is leads to a conversation of not blaming God for the sufferings in this life. Peter Guirguis gives us a glimpse into a world of unanswered prayers.
Kathi Lipp is a rockstar! I remember meeting her backstage at the MOPS Convention in Dallas a few years back. To see where God has brought her from is an amazing testimony. She interviews one of my favorites, Michele Cushatt, discussing following God isn’t always pretty.
Social Media
There were some great feeds going on at the #GLS14 (Global Leadership Summit) this week. Here are some that caught my eye:
We need infinitely more people that are serious about their faith in the marketplace than in churches. - bcloritts
Talk through truth. Not around it. Because truth accelerates trust. - josephgrenny
“God treasures people even more than vision." - BillHybels
"Choose the joy of unlocking the potential in others" - Carly Fiorina
I’m trying to get all the Summer pies I can squeezed in these last few weeks of August before fall and apple pies set in. My kids love Orange Creamsicle ice cream, so I thought I would make this glory this weekend! Would love for you to join me - Instagram the final results at #Table810