Wednesday Wisdom - Vanessa Maddoux Ministries

Today I want you to meet one of my dearest friends. This episode is perfect for those of you that may feel like you are wandering around wondering what God has for you.
She has been a friend for over 20 years, Vanessa Maddoux is a perfect example of what I call Beyond Brave. She is stepping out and doing incredible things for God's kingdom. She has worked with the likes of Wynonna Judd, Natalie Grant, Dolly Parton, Bill Gaither & the Homecoming Friends, Barry Manilow, Sonicflood, Vicki Yohe, Phil Vassar, Geron & Becky Davis, Regi Stone, Wayne Watson and many more. In 2010, after many years of ministry in the local church, Vanessa began to sense God was leading her down a new path of ministry. This was a season of great transition, miracles and divine appointments as the Holy Spirit began to open her heart into a walk of faith into full-time music & missions ministry. Since that time, she has been to Ireland, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Australia, and Israel as doors have opened in this walk of faith! The beginning of Vanessa Maddoux Ministries was formed in 2012 along with the missions focused non-profit organization, Good Deeds International.
You can find her at
Here is some of her story!
Wisdom Notes
How The Lord transitioned her from music
How she went from being in debt to debt free
Obedience is key
A trip to Japan changed her direction
At 40 God dropped something on her heart
Some of the things she has seen in closed-country mission work
Giving up control and how it has to do with the amount of time you spend in His presence