Something I Haven't Done In A While
Tonight begins something I haven’t done in awhile. It’s time.
I’ll be teaching a new Life Group at our church using Jennie Allen’s curriculum from Restless the first 8 weeks and then the last 4 weeks will be doing something I myself am excited and nervous about. In those last 4 weeks, I really feel like God is wanting to take these ladies on a journey of finding themselves in who they are called to be and begin taking steps in that direction. My prayer is that God would use me to mentor and coach these women as they begin to weave the threads they find along their journeys.

I’m not going to pretend to have all the answers because I don’t. I look at myself and see imperfection just like others. I find myself staying more humble these days as it seems my voice has been taken to those that need encouragement, empowerment and hope - one person at a time.
I need you to do something for me friends.
I need you to pray for these women.
Some I know, some I've never met before. Pray that God will begin to show them His palm print in each of them. That they would allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct their paths each week. That these women would become more than they ever imagined going out before they came in.
Lastly, pray for me.
Pray that every word, every syllable, would point to Christ. That God would freely take over each meeting as He sees fit. Pray that He gives me an ear to hear, a mind to perceive and a heart to believe in His word and in these women.
Love you BIG!